Why Hire Gruen Exchange?

Gruen Exchange’s Director, Carol Jadraque, is a professional and executive coach and award-winning sustainability, strategy and innovation advisor, who will always point out a new angle or introduce a new twist you might not have thought of; she will add colour to your palette!


Gruen Exchange adds colour

to your professional life, team, strategy or organisation.

Carol loves sharing her decades-long experience in leadership, sustainability, nature conservation, innovation, strategy, capacity building and liveability with a multitude of government agencies, NGOs, coachees and mentees. 

With an expertise in creating sustainability improvements, people and team development, problem solving, innovation and navigating the waves of uncertainty and change, she loves the pursuit of creating inspiring conversations, developing current and emerging leaders to overcome professional barriers and become more impactful and most of all, delivering tangible results for your organisation. 

By hiring Gruen Exchange, you will automatically support select environmental not-for-profits through its profit sharing scheme and become a default ambassador for Vision Australia’s Seeing Eye Dogs (view Team profile ‘Demi’).


How we work


Gruen Exchange works in collaboration with other companies and freelance consultants (Australian & international) and can offer a wide range of additional skill sets by teaming up with its vast pool of professional associates. 



At Gruen Exchange, we practice what we preach; we: 

  • use purchased, renewable energy

  • drive hybrid-electric cars (powered with purchased, renewable energy)

  • use rainwater only

  • use recycled paper

  • operate on a small footprint

  • minimise & offset travel

  • recycle and minimise waste, compost & feed the chickens; and 

  • contribute to the social triple bottom line by volunteering time to the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA), Vision Australia’s Seeing Eye Dogs Breeder Program and others.